Discover how to unlock Arabic PPC

Arabic PPC

Why You Need Arabic PPC?

Welcome to the topic “Why You Need Arabic PPC?”

Pay per click has become the most mainstream way of generating your visitors into leads, and this is the reason why people refer to PPC every time when they look for their brand promotion and marketing. However, using PPC advertising to target a new language or region can add different layers of complexity. This is particularly true for the companies that are targeting languages through PPC that are different from their mother tongue.

If Arabic isn’t your first language and you’ve limited knowledge about Arab cultures, then you could easily make mistakes or end up putting your hands on your head. Well, you don’t have to worry about it because Yamlify has got your back and we will show you to succeed in Arabic PPC and why you need Arabic PPC. So, let’s get started!

Arabic PPC
Arabic PPC

A Yamlify Digital Example

We are currently offering our services to many of our Arab clients, and they all are willing to target the audience who love to buy their products. Here’s the list of work which involves promoting your Arabic business.

  •         Generating Arabic ad copy
  •         Generating the images for the ad
  •         Management and Optimization of Google Ads
  •         Content network optimization on Arabic Languages website

We have started Arabic PPC advertisement for UK and USA companies by targeting the Arabic speakers within the UK and USA. This has involved generating of Arabic landing pages, optimization, campaign setup and production of all the ads (including graphical and textbases)

PPC in Arab Countries

PPC in Arab has low competition if we compare it with the UK, USA and other parts of the world, with the exception of a few key industries such as beauty. Unlike other countries, the PPC market has plenty of opportunities for businesses who are looking to target Arabic Customers.

This happens largely due to the slow hike of PPC in the Middle East and with a fact that search engines are relatively new to the most of the Arabic people, but younger people tend to involve more in the searching, which is a piece of positive news.  

Challenges Faced with Arabic PPC

While there are plenty of opportunities in the Arabic PPC, there are also challenges when entering the market.

Bid Level Problem

At the bid level, the bids on the same keyword or phrase can vary a lot of fluctuations in the prices depending on the targeted Arabic Country.

This is largely due to because phrases or keywords in Arabic are used to describe many things which means that you’ve to narrow down your Arabic Ad Campaigns for the Arabic countries first and then by the different keywords that can be used in the campaign. This makes the level of work needed to maintain, improving, running, and optimizing the campaign much better than a regular English campaign.

Another factor which plays a vital role in Arabic PPC is the difference in clicks and conversions happen because the use of the internet in the Middle East is prominent in the evening rather than the day.

Behavior and Use

The use of the internet isn’t very popular in the Arab countries as we told you earlier and the internet is relatively a new tool for most of the Arab people. This means that they are going to click on the top ad first, rather than clicking on any other ad and not realizing that they aren’t organic listings.

This behavior from the Arab internet users can work for you but also can be a Hindrance. This is because if the ad isn’t related to their expectations and search intent, then they will bounce back to continue their search.

Keeping your company’s bounce rate up means that you’re getting low conversion rate and you’ve to make it sure, your PPC landing pages are optimized and the keyword selection matches these pages.

Arabic Language

The Arabic language isn’t an easy language, and if you’re new to it, then you may face many problems in your ad campaign. The language presents a number of changes, including the following:

  •         The Arabic language has three times more words in a sentence if we compare that to the English Language. This means that you’ve to work under the spaces which are provided for an ad campaign
  •         Arabic words have multiple meanings depending upon the context and the Arab country that the user is in. This means that you’ve to choose multiple keywords in order to target the audience and reducing the bounce rate at the same time
  •         You’ve to use Arabic original content, and there’s no direct translation of Arabic PPC ads into the English language. So, it’s better to write everything in Arabic rather than writing it in English because it will help you to boost up your conversion rate.

Need help?

If you ever need help in setting up your Arabic PPC ad campaign, then Yamlify is here to help you sort out your problem. Just message us or email us at our own given addresses and we will reach you as soon as we possibly could.

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